Ayurveda, Yoga’s sister science, is a 5,000-year- old system of natural healing rooted in the ancient culture of India. More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life,Veda = science or knowledge), guiding us not only towards vibrant physical and mental health, but also deeper connection to our spiritual nature. It offers a body of wisdom designed to help you stay vital while realizing your full human potential. Providing guidelines on ideal daily and seasonal routines, diet, behavior and the proper use of our senses, Ayurveda reminds us that health is the balanced and dynamic integration between our body, mind, spirit, and environment.

Ayurveda Health Consultations

Ayurveda acknowledges that in order to have perfect health, we have to take into account wellness of the mind, body, senses and soul. Rather than a disjointed system, Ayurveda approaches the whole person, YOU, as an individual, maintaining health in the areas where you are healthy, and restoring balance where there is dis-ease. Together, we will create a path of gentle healing and balance for the body, mind and consciousness.

During a typical evaluation, we take a complete medical and lifestyle history and perform a physical evaluation as well as pulse diagnostic that looks at the body both as a physical system as well as a field of intelligence — reflecting the needs and choices of your life. After discussing your wellness goals, as well as any mental, physiological, emotional or spiritual imbalances, you will receive a personalized and easy to follow life-style and diet plan to implement into your life immediately. 

Upon scheduling an Ayurveda consultation, please complete this INTAKE FORM

Complete at least 24 hours before our session.


Single Session (75 minutes) - $160

Initial Consultation (75-minutes)+ two follow ups (30-minutes/each) - $300



Abhyanga is the classical full body oil treatment in Ayurveda, utilizing warm herbalized oil and rhythmic body technique to move the oil into the body. Soothing and nurturing, it is one the best techniques for balancing prana (life force)—a main goal of Ayurveda.

Abhyanga is also called “snehana” which means “to nurture or love”. This is because the act of massaging oil into the body is an act of love. Oil is deeply nourishing and soothes not only the skin but also the nervous system and provides support to the immune system.

The goal of Ayurvedic Massage is the absorption of oil. Different oils are used to balance each of the three doshas. Typical sessions are 60-90 minutes long.



Single session: $175

Series of 3: $450

Series of 5: $700


Marma Therapy is a dynamic and powerful method of bodywork stemming from India’s ancient healing science - Ayurveda. A variety of techniques are used to awaken prana, or the body’s natural vital energy - and invite life back into areas where stagnation may be present. Ayurveda describes 72,000 channels in the body that carry vital energies and allow communication between systems - from the cellular level to the body as a whole. Marma therapy allows the clear-communication of these channels.

The purpose of any Ayurvedic treatment is to realign and enliven digestion and vitality, while proper sattvic lifestyle is meant to maintain vitality. Digestion is described as the most essential component of health, with over 70% of disease linked to digestive issues. These imbalances are often overlooked or suppressed. Marma is a potent rejuvenating therapy that catalyzes proper function and healing of any system or condition.

Often times, because of busy lifestyles or disconnect from the Self - we follow poor habits of living, eating, sleeping and caring for the body & senses. At their initial stages, these imbalances manifest as minor emotional disturbances, mental agitation, lethargy, inflammation, insomnia, indigestion, etc. When these conditions are left unresolved, it creates stress in the form of ama, or toxins. These toxins accumulate in weak areas, creating blockages in the bodily and mental channels - disempowering us from maximizing our personal potential in our own lives and relationships with others - ultimately developing into disease.


Specialized treatments include an initial consultation and assessment, followed by pranic exercises (breathwork), complete body alignment via yoga physiotherapy, deep tissue release and finally, clearing the meridians (pathways) and marmas (vital points) of the body. Treatments are applied according to your imbalances, utilizing our time to eliminate accumulated stress - allowing the body to detoxify, heal from disease and release stagnant emotions and mental patterns.

Treatments are followed by an optional Abhyangha (ayurvedic oil bodywork), nourishing the body with potent blends of medicinal oils and rejuvenating Ayurvedic herbs.

Typical treatment range from 90 up to 120 minutes long.



Single session: $250


Head, Face, Neck & Shoulder Marma: $75