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Premabreathwork: Virtual Healing Gathering

Join me for a virtual group breathwork healing gathering for us to support each other in the witnessing, processing and release of emotional energy.

We are living intense times, where fear, uncertainty, anxiety and heavier emotions as grief may be overpowering. While we all working towards finding ways to cope, and keep our internal center, our emotions need space to breathe and be seen. Breathwork can provide us that gift.

We will dive into the active and cleansing meditation technique of breathwork, which allows for an energetic and emotional release. We will then integrate, and reflect through the opportunity to exchange glimpses of our sacred inward journey in a supportive and loving environment.

While open to all, this session is geared for those with previous experience of the process of breathwork, through the premabreathwork technique. 

Set and setting is essential to this process. You will be guided through the process of creating a sacred space for your inward dive, and how to navigate the experience of integration post breathwork.

What is Breathwork:

Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to purge the body of emotional and stagnant energy. The experience itself moves stored emotional energy and facilitates the release of strong emotions like anger, grief and so much more. It can often leave you feeling lighter, more open and less burdened.

In breathwork, you are able to access an expanded state or awareness, get your monkey mind out of the way and connect with your inner intelligence. This is the same amazing intelligence that allows our bodies to take care of all of our internal body processes every second of every day to keep us alive. We just do not normally have conscious connection to it or it is just a very weak internal voice that is rarely loud enough to make itself heard. By doing breathwork on a regular basis, along with profound physical and emotional releases during the sessions, you will strengthen the neural pathway to this internal intelligence and be able to access it more consistently on a moment to moment basis in your life by just taking a few deep breaths.

What is the Premabreathwork technique:

The process itself uses very simple means: with the eyes closed and lying on a mat, each person uses their own breath with this technique along with the music in the room to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the individual's psyche, bringing him or her a particular set of internal experiences.


With the inner healing intelligence guiding the process, the quality and content brought forth is unique to each person and for that particular time and place. While recurring themes are common, no two sessions are ever alike.


Many practitioners feel this breath work provides a direct, replicable, physical experience of Divine Love (Prema) through the saturation of the body with prana.


 Cost: $15/PP

To register please visit the link below.